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Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Express Yourself to Others

How to Express Yourself to Others


One of the hardest things to do when you're communicating with someone is expressing yourself. How many times have you said something that just didn't come out the way you wanted it to? How many times have we said something that we really didn't mean, but we were too frustrated to stop it from being said?

How to Express Yourself to Others


Pakistani Punjabi Stage Drama Mahiya Way Rataan Chandaniyaan 02 09

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Video Clips. Duration : 14.52 Mins.

Pakistani Punjabi Stage Drama Mahiya Way Rataan Chandaniyaan 02 09

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Pakistani Punjabi Stage Drama Mahiya Way Rataan Chandaniyaan 02 09

Pakistani Punjabi Stage Drama Mahiya Way Rataan Chandaniyaan 02 09

Pakistani Punjabi Stage Drama Mahiya Way Rataan Chandaniyaan 02 09

Pakistani Punjabi Stage Drama Mahiya Way Rataan Chandaniyaan 02 09

No URL Pakistani Punjabi Stage Drama Mahiya Way Rataan Chandaniyaan 02 09

There is Actually Only One Way to Express True Love - Mental Health Research


What is the purpose of life? The only purpose that makes rational sense is to express love to all living entities. All other purposes are bound to be selfish, with a "getting" motive attached. The experience of true love seems to happen rarely on our planet, as indicated by the negative conditions of people and situations worldwide. The quality of our well-being and mental health depends on our willingness to express love to the life around us.

There is Actually Only One Way to Express True Love - Mental Health Research


Rock the "Boar-Dome"!

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Tube. Duration : 4.63 Mins.

Rock the "Boar-Dome"!

I was just bored and I wanted to express myself in random ways... Life's a struggle sometimes. There are 4 things I do when life's a struggle. Pray and talk ...

Rock the "Boar-Dome"!

Rock the "Boar-Dome"!

Rock the "Boar-Dome"!

Rock the "Boar-Dome"!

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How to Express Yourself to Others


One of the hardest things to do when you're communicating with someone is expressing yourself. How many times have you said something that just didn't come out the way you wanted it to? How many times have we said something that we really didn't mean, but we were too frustrated to stop it from being said?

How to Express Yourself to Others


Venus Express Investigation - Stories from the Materials and Electrical Components Lab

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Video Clips. Duration : 3.43 Mins.

Venus Express Investigation - Stories from the Materials and Electrical Components Lab

The lab is an impartial authority - decades of accumulated experience to back up project teams, equipped to carry out a wide variety of tests inhouse, or tur...

Venus Express Investigation - Stories from the Materials and Electrical Components Lab

Venus Express Investigation - Stories from the Materials and Electrical Components Lab

Venus Express Investigation - Stories from the Materials and Electrical Components Lab

Venus Express Investigation - Stories from the Materials and Electrical Components Lab

No URL Venus Express Investigation - Stories from the Materials and Electrical Components Lab

Design Your Own Jewelry - Using Color to Express Yourself


Color is an important element in handmade beaded jewelry. Selecting the right tint to elicit different feeling and emotions is a unique craft. Many times the simple act of expressing ourselves with colors can be intimidating. Learning about the way a color wheel works can get us past the fear and help us design unique handmade beaded jewelry.

Design Your Own Jewelry - Using Color to Express Yourself


Think of color found in beads as containing all the beautiful hues of the planet. You can touch them, string them, weave them and fire them. No matter what you do they will always remain what they are, beads that you can incorporate into your handmade beaded jewelry. Beading is unlike any other art forms. Once paint is extracted from the tube or jar, it is usually gone forever. Unlike beads which, you can rearrange as many times until you are satisfied with the design.


Design Your Own Jewelry - Using Color to Express Yourself

Remember the When you were a Child and You Loved to Paint Using your Crayola Box and its Wonderful Array of Shades?

Design Your Own Jewelry - Using Color to Express Yourself

Go Purchase a Box and Use the Crayons to Enhance your Handmade Jewelry and Sketching

To further understand how the use of color can enhance your handmade beaded jewelry, transport yourself back to your childhood and think of how you use color to express your feelings and your thoughts. Blending the wonderful colors of tempera to create all those interesting combinations, and sometime we would take them to the extreme until they became black or brown. We did not care, we just enjoyed the process. Adding color to our jewelry making is the same. It is a process that evolves and changes as you become more confident with the color combinations you use..

For good "adult measure", let's review the basics;

Primary: the three primary colors: red, blue and yellow. These are the three colors that serve as a base to all other colors.

Secondary: These are the colors found at the points between each corner of that triangle. Mix blue and red together and you will get purple. Red and yellow make orange. Yellow plus blue makes green.

Tertiary: are achieved by combining the secondary colors. They are the colors that lie in between the primary and secondary colors..
Things begin to get a little more complicated when we consider different combination using the color wheel. Do not let this intimidate you, remember practice is always helpful..

Analog: These are the colors found on either side of any given color. Often these are the colors schemes found in nature. Using analog colors in jewelry making usually feels harmonious. Secondary colors can often be an analogous color. Think of the turning of the leaves in the fall, those wonderful deep yellows, oranges and reds all together to give us a warm palette. The deep blues and light blues of the ocean create a cool palette..

Split Complementary Colors: This is a combination of a split complementary color and an analogous color. Using split complementary colors can give you a design with a high degree of contrast. When combined with the direct complimentary color it results in great color harmony.

Triad Colors: Triad colors are the three hues equidistant on the color wheel. When you want a design that is colorful and yet balanced a triad color scheme might be the way to go.

Applying the Theory to your Beaded Jewelry

The best rule to follow as you incorporate color into you handmade beaded jewelry, is to always remember that you need to please yourself first. The best color combination are those that make you feel great! Play and experiment, there are no mistakes to be made. Try different colors and a variety of combinations until you are satisfied with the results.

Using proper lighting can help you select the best combination for your handmade beaded jewelry. Invest in a natural light lamp. They can be expensive, but you will save your eyes and money in the long run. When designing your handmade beaded jewelry keep the background neutral. You may want to have both a black and white surface you can alternate as you decide on the colors you will use.

Many times, I will draw the different combination in my sketch book. This is particularly helpful when I am attending a bead show and want to select the right color beads to enhance my handmade beaded jewelry. I keep a box of Prismacolor pencils in my design table to use when I am considering different color combination. Another helpful tool is a color wheel, which you can purchase in an art supply store. Another wise investment is to purchase an artist guide to color book. Artist's Color Manual by Michael Jennings. This book combines useful information with appealing photos. It includes helpful color swatches and color theory basics.

Remember enjoy the process and the use of this theory to highlight you handmade beaded jewelry.

Design Your Own Jewelry - Using Color to Express Yourself

The lab is an impartial authority - decades of accumulated experience to back up project teams, equipped to carry out a wide variety of tests inhouse, or tur...


What's more, some people have a fear of expressing themselves at all. They're afraid to say something that might cost them a friendship. Or they bottle everything up tight and seize up at the mere thought of sharing their true emotions.


How to Express Yourself to Others

This can be a constant struggle for people. However, it is something that can be conquered. If you are struggling to express yourself to others, or you know of someone who struggles, then read on. This article will show you what you can do to open up with others.

How to Express Yourself to Others


Every being on the planet communicates in some fashion. And the more complex the form of communication is, you will find more complex relationships as well.

Human speech is the most complicated form of communication in the world. We have so many ways to express ideas, feelings, dreams, suggestions, thoughts, intents, love, rage, desire, and so forth. Consider this list of words:

Tiny Sizable Usual Big Small Large Normal Gigantic Minuscule Humongous Microscopic Minute Huge Average Outsized Regular Short Tall

All of these words are indefinable. Try to define 'big'. Uh, not small? Then what is 'small'? Not big? You see, these words convey subtle differences to us, and yet they are all relative words. They depend upon what you are comparing them to. An ant is tiny compared to an elephant, but is large compared to a fruit fly, while the elephant is microscopic when compared to our solar-system.

Words have meaning to us. Subtle differences in each word will convey a slightly different idea. Huge and gigantic have subtle differences. We think of gigantic as bigger than huge. Thus, the words you use in your relationships are of powerful importance. The person who said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," never had a complex and in-depth relationship. Words can hurt.

Words have the power to give life and death...especially in relationships.

So it is important that you learn to express yourself. You must learn to convey your thoughts, ideas, dreams, ambitions, hopes and emotions to those that you share a relationship with. Your inability to do so, will damage your relationships.


If you have a fear of people, people will avoid you. It's a vicious cycle. You avoid people because you fear that they will hurt you. People see your aloofness, and either think the worst (that you're stuck up), or grant your desire and leave you alone. Then you wonder why it is that no one likes you. When you can't open up to people, people will feel that you are unapproachable. You'll have a hard time getting close to people when you bottle everything up inside. Your relationships will all be shallow. Your inability to express yourself will haunt you in times of trouble. You'll need help, you'll want help, but you won't seek it. You'll hide. So, no one helps you. Then you grow resentful and angry. Another danger is that of isolation. You build walls around your emotions and people instinctively leave you alone. That might be what you wanted at first, but your life will be barren, and empty. Life is relationships. The stronger your relationships the more joy you'll have in life. No matter if it is with your mate, God, children, neighbors, co-workers, friends, relatives, or even yourself, you must learn to express yourself.


Do A Lot Of Reading

Reading will help you learn how other people express themselves. Pay attention to word usage, diction, flow, voice and tone. These will give you ideas on expressing yourself.

Look up words that you've never seen before. Use them. They'll provide you with many and myriad ways of expressing your emotions. Often, I've found that a single word does better expressing what I feel than an entire paragraph of sentences. Learning new words will help you express yourself better and reading will help you to learn different ways to do so.

A wise man once said, not every reader is a leader, but every leader is a reader.

Do Some Writing On Your Own

Do a variety of writing. Start a novel. Write letters. Keep a journal or diary. Often, you'll find that writing helps you to think your thoughts through. In the heat of an argument, you'll often say what you don't mean in a tone that creates more resentment. Writing will help you organize your thoughts. It'll give you focus and direction.

Don't Fear People's Judgment

Social anxiety is not a disease. You can't catch it from someone who has it. It is a spiritual state of mind that is the direct result of fear. There is really only one type of fear and that is the fear of the unknown. Don't fear what other people think about you. Honestly, your imagination will create far worse scenarios than what most people will ever think.

To overcome your fear, try asking for their help. Try this, "I'm having a hard time expressing myself, and I thought maybe you could help me." Saying that will invoke an instinctual need that most everyone has-the desire to help and feel needed. Hardly anyone will be critical of you when you've asked for their help.

It also sets the stage to retract what you may say when you say it wrong. Since you've already warned them that you are struggling with expressing yourself, when you actually struggle with it, they'll just shrug it off. It's a great tool to overcoming your fear of other people's judgment.

When You're Upset, Write A Letter

If you're furious at someone, then go ahead and write them a nasty letter. Just don't give it to them. Sleep on it. The next morning, go back over the letter. You'll find that your attitudes and perspective have shifted. I seriously doubt you'll send the letter under those conditions.

But more than that, sending someone a letter that is well thought out is a great idea when you're trying to express yourself. Look, letters can't be argued with, they can't be interrupted, and you can't derail the train of thought. In fact, even if the letter is negative, most people will read it all the way through.

Sometimes a well worded letter will allow you to convey your feelings where a conversation would not.

Be Mature When You Express Yourself

I don't take people seriously when they rant, rave, swear, cuss, insult, deride, mock, or get stubborn. These are immature attitudes that prevent and hinder the expression process.

Here is a rule of thumb. If they are willing to talk about others behind their back, they will do it to you too. Let's stay away from the unproductive gossip, the insults, the profanity, and the finger pointing. These accomplish nothing. Think about it, when is the last time you actually made a situation better by swearing at someone? Maturity in conversation is thoughtfulness, consideration, and the willingness to listen. Show respect to others and they will respect you.

Ask Questions

You'll be amazed at how easy it is to express yourself in the form of a question.

But the short of it is this, questions allow you to interact with others. They involve you in their thoughts, feelings, worries, and cares. This provides an opportunity to express yourself better to them. Expression is best done when there is good interaction. Thoughtful questions provide this platform.

How to Express Yourself to Others

I was just bored and I wanted to express myself in random ways... Life's a struggle sometimes. There are 4 things I do when life's a struggle. Pray and talk ...


Many may be shocked to discover that true love is not a personal resource. I have no love of my own, nor do you, or anyone else. There is only one way we can express true love to the life around us, that is by consistently acting on what is truly right.


There is Actually Only One Way to Express True Love - Mental Health Research

Here is another shocker; to act rightly a person cannot be acting selfishly. That means that he or she cannot be acting from a selfish or self-seeking intention. It means that a person cannot be in a selfish controlling or manipulative mode, and cannot be acting to get something for self.

There is Actually Only One Way to Express True Love - Mental Health Research

The expression of true love requires that our intentions be pure; that we be sincerely will to give with no strings attached. We must also be willing to act in lovingly responsible ways, which includes being willing to express truth as we know it in appropriate ways. In a selfish environment, the expression of truth can sometimes be dangerous so discretion is in order.

At the heart of the process of expressing true love is a sincere willingness to express love. Without that willingness, whatever comes forth shall be some form of selfish action.

Here is an analogy:

Think of a human being as a "garden hose," and his or her will as the "faucet" attached to the side of a house. The "water" is love.

In order for us to experience or express love, we must open our personal "faucet" (will) and be willing to allow water to flow (express love). When we are willing to express love, "water" flows through us and we feel good (we experience love). In addition, those around us get "wet" (are loved).

On the other hand, when we selfishly and defiantly refuse to express love, we keep our personal "faucet" shut so that no "water" can flow through us. Like an unused garden hose left out in the sun, it soon dries out and begins to decay.

The expression of love is vital to every person's well-being. []

There is Actually Only One Way to Express True Love - Mental Health Research

Full Hot And Sexy mujray videos 2013, Latest mujra, saima khan Boobs Show mujra, pakistani Latest mujra, punjabi sexy mujra, today mujra, sexy mujray 2013, m...


What's more, some people have a fear of expressing themselves at all. They're afraid to say something that might cost them a friendship. Or they bottle everything up tight and seize up at the mere thought of sharing their true emotions.


How to Express Yourself to Others

This can be a constant struggle for people. However, it is something that can be conquered. If you are struggling to express yourself to others, or you know of someone who struggles, then read on. This article will show you what you can do to open up with others.

How to Express Yourself to Others


Every being on the planet communicates in some fashion. And the more complex the form of communication is, you will find more complex relationships as well.

Human speech is the most complicated form of communication in the world. We have so many ways to express ideas, feelings, dreams, suggestions, thoughts, intents, love, rage, desire, and so forth. Consider this list of words:

Tiny Sizable Usual Big Small Large Normal Gigantic Minuscule Humongous Microscopic Minute Huge Average Outsized Regular Short Tall

All of these words are indefinable. Try to define 'big'. Uh, not small? Then what is 'small'? Not big? You see, these words convey subtle differences to us, and yet they are all relative words. They depend upon what you are comparing them to. An ant is tiny compared to an elephant, but is large compared to a fruit fly, while the elephant is microscopic when compared to our solar-system.

Words have meaning to us. Subtle differences in each word will convey a slightly different idea. Huge and gigantic have subtle differences. We think of gigantic as bigger than huge. Thus, the words you use in your relationships are of powerful importance. The person who said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," never had a complex and in-depth relationship. Words can hurt.

Words have the power to give life and death...especially in relationships.

So it is important that you learn to express yourself. You must learn to convey your thoughts, ideas, dreams, ambitions, hopes and emotions to those that you share a relationship with. Your inability to do so, will damage your relationships.


If you have a fear of people, people will avoid you. It's a vicious cycle. You avoid people because you fear that they will hurt you. People see your aloofness, and either think the worst (that you're stuck up), or grant your desire and leave you alone. Then you wonder why it is that no one likes you. When you can't open up to people, people will feel that you are unapproachable. You'll have a hard time getting close to people when you bottle everything up inside. Your relationships will all be shallow. Your inability to express yourself will haunt you in times of trouble. You'll need help, you'll want help, but you won't seek it. You'll hide. So, no one helps you. Then you grow resentful and angry. Another danger is that of isolation. You build walls around your emotions and people instinctively leave you alone. That might be what you wanted at first, but your life will be barren, and empty. Life is relationships. The stronger your relationships the more joy you'll have in life. No matter if it is with your mate, God, children, neighbors, co-workers, friends, relatives, or even yourself, you must learn to express yourself.


Do A Lot Of Reading

Reading will help you learn how other people express themselves. Pay attention to word usage, diction, flow, voice and tone. These will give you ideas on expressing yourself.

Look up words that you've never seen before. Use them. They'll provide you with many and myriad ways of expressing your emotions. Often, I've found that a single word does better expressing what I feel than an entire paragraph of sentences. Learning new words will help you express yourself better and reading will help you to learn different ways to do so.

A wise man once said, not every reader is a leader, but every leader is a reader.

Do Some Writing On Your Own

Do a variety of writing. Start a novel. Write letters. Keep a journal or diary. Often, you'll find that writing helps you to think your thoughts through. In the heat of an argument, you'll often say what you don't mean in a tone that creates more resentment. Writing will help you organize your thoughts. It'll give you focus and direction.

Don't Fear People's Judgment

Social anxiety is not a disease. You can't catch it from someone who has it. It is a spiritual state of mind that is the direct result of fear. There is really only one type of fear and that is the fear of the unknown. Don't fear what other people think about you. Honestly, your imagination will create far worse scenarios than what most people will ever think.

To overcome your fear, try asking for their help. Try this, "I'm having a hard time expressing myself, and I thought maybe you could help me." Saying that will invoke an instinctual need that most everyone has-the desire to help and feel needed. Hardly anyone will be critical of you when you've asked for their help.

It also sets the stage to retract what you may say when you say it wrong. Since you've already warned them that you are struggling with expressing yourself, when you actually struggle with it, they'll just shrug it off. It's a great tool to overcoming your fear of other people's judgment.

When You're Upset, Write A Letter

If you're furious at someone, then go ahead and write them a nasty letter. Just don't give it to them. Sleep on it. The next morning, go back over the letter. You'll find that your attitudes and perspective have shifted. I seriously doubt you'll send the letter under those conditions.

But more than that, sending someone a letter that is well thought out is a great idea when you're trying to express yourself. Look, letters can't be argued with, they can't be interrupted, and you can't derail the train of thought. In fact, even if the letter is negative, most people will read it all the way through.

Sometimes a well worded letter will allow you to convey your feelings where a conversation would not.

Be Mature When You Express Yourself

I don't take people seriously when they rant, rave, swear, cuss, insult, deride, mock, or get stubborn. These are immature attitudes that prevent and hinder the expression process.

Here is a rule of thumb. If they are willing to talk about others behind their back, they will do it to you too. Let's stay away from the unproductive gossip, the insults, the profanity, and the finger pointing. These accomplish nothing. Think about it, when is the last time you actually made a situation better by swearing at someone? Maturity in conversation is thoughtfulness, consideration, and the willingness to listen. Show respect to others and they will respect you.

Ask Questions

You'll be amazed at how easy it is to express yourself in the form of a question.

But the short of it is this, questions allow you to interact with others. They involve you in their thoughts, feelings, worries, and cares. This provides an opportunity to express yourself better to them. Expression is best done when there is good interaction. Thoughtful questions provide this platform.

How to Express Yourself to Others

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